Giving birth is one of life’s most amazing and intense experiences.
“Since ancient times, pregnant women have turned to caring and experienced women called doulas for support and guidance in childbirth. As modern women have discovered this age-old tradition of woman-to-woman support, doulas have once again become the key to safer, easier, and happier births.”
How To Hire a DoulA
Simply click on the button above and fill out the form! The doula will be in contact with you by email or phone within 7 days. Afterwards, we will book and initial visit, this is a chance for you to meet the doula(s) and go through the contract and decide is this is the right service for you. Please feel free to contact us with any questions 204-792-6769. Please note the birth doula services are subject to availability.
Fee: $1150.+GST*
*Repeat Birth Doula Client Rate: $1,000.+GST
Doula's Make a Difference
A recent Systematic Review of 15 gold standard Randomized Controlled Trials studied doula support of over 13,000 women. This study found that women supported by a doula were:
26% less likely to give birth by cesarean section
41% less likely to give birth with vacuum extraction or forceps
28% less likely to use any analgesia or anesthesia
36% less likely to be dissatisfied with or negatively rate their birth experience
as well:
“Partners overwhelmingly rated the support positive” (Johansson 2015)
Decrease stress, fear, and anxiety (Uvanas Monerg, 2014)
Care for the birthing person’s emotional health can enhance her ability to have more positive birth memories (Gilland, 2010)