What No One Is Talking About:
The Truth About Postpartum
The joy of bringing a baby home can be filled with excitement and anticipation of the new experiences that lie ahead, for your baby, and for you as your transition into parenthood. As with any major change in our lives, there are inevitably growing pains that can bring stress, physical and emotional challenges, and put strain on your relationship with your partner. Although a woman’s postpartum experience is an extremely unique and personal one; the bumps, hills, peaks, and valleys that came along with bringing baby home(the postpartum period), is a reality that all women share.
This class is designed to give the much needed space to discuss, be informed, and made aware of the truths about postpartum. You will be provided with essential informations, and armed with resources, all helping you prepare for the changes and continual adaptation necessary throughout the postpartum period.
Topics Covered:
Hello baby! Who are you?
The Nuts & Bolts of Life with a Newborn
Breastfeeding Essentials & How to Troubleshoot Difficulties (For the Fundamentals of Breastfeeding please see our Breastfeeding class) https://www.birthrootsdoulas.com/breastfeeding
Baby Care Basics (For more information to care for your newborn baby click on this Newborn Class link) https://www.birthrootsdoulas.com/newborn-class
Sleep for Everyone
Mom’s Postpartum Body; What’s Normal?
Physical Healing
Mom’s Postpartum Hormones & Emotions
Postpartum Depression: the baby blues, postpartum depression, & postpartum psychosis.
PPD and Anxiety
Partner Relationships
Sex after Birth
YOU! Self Care
Passage into Parenting
What’s Mothering the Mother? Postpartum Doulas
Postpartum Plan